RYA Youth Sailing Scheme (Children)
Children's Summer Courses - Learning to Sail.
RYA Youth Sailing Schemes 2024
Costs : £200 (Non-Members) There is a summer introductory offer for the Beginner's courses.
*** Special Offer for early bookings *** Fee will remain at £200 for all Non-members.
£180 (Members) This fee applies only to Family members or Full members with Children who have paid their annual membership at the beginning of the year.
Monday Friday (5 Days) 9:30 - 4:30 pm
The courses are suitable for age 8 - 14 year olds. 15 &16 year olds may be considered if they have previously attended Stage1 & 2 and are progressing to Stage 3 or 4 where the overall average age is within this range.
Beginners - Stage 1 or a refresher on Stage 1 to move up to Stage 2
Improvers - Stage 2 - 3 onwards depending on abilities and practice hrs.
Advanced - Stage 3 - 4 for those already at Stage 3 OR only a few skills to be completed to be ready for Stage 4
Mon-Fri | RYA Youth Sailing Scheme - summer courses for Children | Online booking | Max no. of places |
W/C 15 July | Senior Instructor(s) (Holly McConnell & supporting SI is Emily Hill) - Beginners and sailors with Stage 1, 2, 3 upwards | Link to Book | 12 |
W/C 22 July | Senior Instructor (Michael Rock) - Improvers - Stage 3 and for young sailors holding Stage 3 to progress Stage 4, stage 4 and seamanship skills developed in double handers | Link to Book | 12 |
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W/C 5 August | Senior Instructor (TBC) - Type of course to be confirmed - register interest - if Beginners or Improvers/ Race Coaching - email sail@cayc.co.uk |
Review this Part 1 information Link for further information (2024 details):
RYA YSS Joining Information - Part 1
If you have any queries please Email: sail@cayc.co.uk
Guidance will be sent to you prior to the Course as a useful reminder and names confirmed of the Instructors : RYA YSS Joining Information - Part 2
Summary of Joining Information Part 2 | |
1 | Course Times: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. (Any alternations to this will be advised by the Senior Instructor please advise if you require any alternative schedules to be agreed.) |
2 | If your children are beginners, please ensure they have the appropriate clothing as advised on the registration sheet. |
3 | A buff/neck warmer is essential |
4 | A wetsuit and boots are ideal for these courses and many shops now stock affordable items that can be used at the beach etc. |
5 | A hat, a hoodie, a windproof top for over a wetsuit and perhaps another layer such as a sweatshirt underneath. |
6 | Add some extra clothes into a bag for more layers, they must always have a change of clothing. (It may be summer, but in boating you can get cold very quickly.) |
7 | A buoyancy aid can be provided by the club as we hold a range of sizes. ( please contact us prior to the course to ensure the correct size is available at the course) |
8 | A Pack Lunch should be brought each day, this is preferred to the alternative of children going to the shops & cafes in Whitehead. (in particular the youngest on the courses) |
9 | It is also very important that children do not leave the Club premises unless permission has been given by the Senior Instructor and this has had prior agreement with the Parent /Guardian. |
10 | A RYA YSS Logbook is supplied to Beginners (cost included in course fee), those with YSS stages should bring their book and have logged in the back section the sailing hours they have completed since the last course. |
11 | Replacement log books £6 & certificates are £3 |
12 | Certificates are awarded at the end of each week's course. You will also be made aware of the Captain's prize giving in Oct/Nov. |
13 | The Senior Instructor will signoff the activities completed on each course in the log book and provide feedback to your child. |
14 | (It is difficult for the SI to discuss progress with every parent at the end of the course. However, they provide written feedback to the Principal of the Club (John Lewis) and myself (Sheela Lewis) to support the on-going sailing development of your children. If you do wish to discuss any aspect of your child's progress, please speak to the Senior Instructor. |
15 | Weather is a key factor for all courses especially the beginners. A full week of sailing can often lead to Stage 1 & Stage 2 achievements. However, be aware that a few days of no wind or too much wind may mean progress is limited to only one stage. |
16 | Your children will still have fun on shore with the opportunity to cover some theory, practice knot tying and playing games ! |
17 | The Course schedule for RYA stages suggests a min of 2 days, this is typically 2-3 at the very least to cover all aspects and build confidence. We have additional days built in for contingency and practice time. The Senior Instructors are looking for competency in each of the requirements in the Log book, understanding, knowledge and ability to complete the tasks. |
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Parents may be interested in purchasing the RYA Start Sailing manual at £6 pre-course of during.
Contact sail@cayc.co.uk directly if this is required. |
Youth beginners' courses and onwards info for your child.
The Youth Scheme is usually completed in small dinghies suitable for your size. This is a very high level overview
To make the most of our courses, ensure you are confident with the skills of one course before moving on to the next course
The RYA states that most courses are a minimum of two days long (or an equivalent number of short sessions). They may be run over a longer period, especially if you haven't sailed since your last course.
Experience at CAYC has proven you need at least the week to gain the basic understanding and start to develop the skills then it is practice, practice
Use the back of the log book to detail every occasion your child sails, what were the weather conditions etc.
Sailing is a sport which gets better with practice, and your child should try to sail between courses whenever they can. Practice makes perfect!
Below is only a guide: Some children may only achieve a single stage over 1 week course.
Guide to booking a course:
Go to www.cayc.co.uk
Go to Calendar and Select the Course dates from the listing. You will be offered a screen where you create a login to make the booking
Complete all sections on the online form and make the payment.
N.B. Membership status must be requested from the Membership Secretary with an Application Form and a Direct Debit form signed for the next year. Membership is annual from Jan-Dec each year. Those requesting membership for children gain the benefit of access to hire club dinghies for a nominal charge following the course.
Junior Fees for membership are £40 from January 2024 - if you have not paid this you will be charged the non-member rate when booking as there is additional admin overhead in managing junior memberships from year to year. email: sail@cayc.co.uk with any queries
Non-members will be sent a Membership form & DDI on request to be completed and returned to Membership Secretary.
RYA YSS Joining Course Info Part1 2024 v1.pdf
RYA YSS Joining Course Info Part2 v1.pdf
RYA YSS_Coach ^0 Medical Consent Form V1.pdf
Last updated 16:05 on 2 July 2024