Volunteer Roles and Recognition
"Volunteers are an essential and invaluable part of the Yacht Club. We want our members who commit to volunteer with us to do so within a positive and supportive environment."
Key Principles
- CAYC volunteers are an essential and invaluable part of the club infrastructure, complementing and supporting the work of Instructors, Coaches, employed staff taking direction from the Roles within the General Committee (as elected by the membership). The Sailing Committee Volunteers are combination of General Committee and volunteers invited to join.
- CAYC volunteers are people who, of their own free will contribute their time, passion, energy and skills to benefit their Club Membership.
- CAYC volunteering is unpaid and there is no expectation of payment. This is readily distinguishable from reimbursement of expenses, which ensures that volunteers are not out of pocket as a consequence of their volunteering.
- CAYC volunteers are a key group of Members within the Club and are represented at all levels of decision making within the Formal Club Committees.
This is an important commitment in adopting this policy. The Club's Flag Officers and Post holders wish to ensure the utilisation of this policy so that the purpose is to encourage best practice in volunteer management. This policy seeks to provide overall guidance and direction to its post holders on the General Committee, Sailing Committee, members, employees and to demonstrate that CAYC recognises its obligations to its volunteers.
Please review the full Policy for more information on support and importantly the recognition of these members.
Download : CAYC Volunteer Policy
The roles and responsibilities of the two main Committees' Members may be found on this
Download : Volunteer R&R on Committees
The Club has also developed non-Committee, functional roles that many members may find they would consider carrying out.
Volunteer Assignments of smaller functional tasks with support from Committee Members have been scoped out
Download: Functional Roles and their Assignments
- Sample functional roles and tasks
- Results & Race Office Admin - Download Functional Description and a sample of the procedures required
- Discover Sailing Coordinator - Download
More Role Descriptions to follow to support the Functional role assignments
If any of this is interested and you would like to help out in any activities at the Club just speak to any of the Committee Members or email: sail@cayc.co.uk
Current General Committee members can be found on here on this link
- Functional Roles for Volunteer v3.pdf
- CAYC Roles of Volunteers on Committees V7.7 Feb2024.pdf
- CAYC Member's Volunteer_ Recognition Policy 2024.pdf
- Functional Role - Results and Race Office v1.pdf
- Procedures for Results_Race Office Admin.pdf
- Functional Role - Discover Sailing .pdf
Last updated 15:12 on 14 March 2024