Safeguarding, Codes of Conduct, Disciplinary Policies
Club Safeguarding, Codes of Conduct, Disciplinary, Equality (EDI) Policy & Procedures
A hard copy of the Club Safeguarding Policy is available in the Club Training Room or you may access this and other documents on the links below
1. CAYC-Safeguarding-Policy and all Codes-of-Conduct 2024
2. Disputes and Disciplinary Procedure document
3. Disputes and Disciplinary Procedure Flow chart
- Safeguarding Incident Report: Download: This form is used if you have any concerns or are aware of an incident. There are hardcopies in the Club's Training Room.
- General Comment or Complaint: Download: This form is used to make a general comment or Complaint, also if you are unsure if there is a Safeguarding issue to be raised.
Our primary Welfare Officer and Designated Safeguarding officer: Sara Carse
Contact Details:
Also the authorised ID validation for Access NI may be completed by both Sara Carse and Access NI Coordinator : Sheela Lewis
Other Children's Welfare officer is - Ben Ferris
Reporting concerns:

Safeguarding Notes:
Good Practice: AccessNI disclosure and Self Declaration
Volunteers undertaking relevant roles in the regulated sector, e.g. schools, healthcare, nursing homes, childminders, are required by law to apply for Disclosures. There is currently no legal requirement for other private or voluntary organisations to ask their staff or volunteers to apply for Disclosures. It is accepted as good practice and the Club has this procedure written into the Safeguarding Procedures. We therefore do ask members who, in their volunteer or instructing roles, meet the criteria, that they do undergo the Access NI disclosure process under the umbrella of the Sport Governing Body RYA.
Administrative Form and Policies
- CAYC - AccessNI ID Validation Form
- CAYC - AccessNI policy statement on recruitment of offenders
- CAYC - AccessNI policy on secure handling of information (supports CAYC Data protection policy)
Those whose frequency of regular contact with Children does not meet the threshold may be asked to complete a Self Declaration. Download: Self Declaration form.
Link to> RYA Guidance on safer recruitment
Introduction to Safeguarding presentation
Courses completed
Safeguarding in a Digital world
S.Lewis completed on Wednesday 11 December 2024
Designated Safeguarding Training completed with Sport NI - online organised by RYANI
- Sara Carse & Sheela Lewis completed: 4 February 2025
- S.Carse completed: March 2024
- S.Lewis completed: 21 & 22 March 2023
- Ben Ferris - Awareness course - 2023
- A & P Barbour - May/June 2020 - online
- Monday 26 March 2018 @ 7:00 pm agreed with Sport NI Pat Power (14)
- Tuesday 12 April 2016 Pat Power (20 Members)
- Designated Safeguarding completed : S.Carse and S.Lewis completed in July & Aug 2020 with Sport NI - online
- Tuesday 5 April 2016 (Michelle Hill and Sheela Lewis)
- Previous Course completed : Thursday 17 April 2014 @ 7.15 pm
- CAYC Clubhouse Tutor organised through SportNI
- Previous Courses Completed
- Thursday 3 November 2011 : 7.00 pm 10.00 pm
- Safeguarding Children & Young People in Sport : 20 x Instructors, Coaches & Volunteers
- Trainer : Mervyn Fee
- Grant from Carrickfergus Borough Council to support this training
- Course Completed on Tuesday 17 January 2012 : 6.30 9.30 pm
- Designated Children's safety Officer Training : Sheela and John Lewis
- Newtownards Centre
The NSPCC is urging professionals working with young people to call their free Helpline if they are ever uncertain about a child's welfare.
You can call the Helpline on 0808 800 5000, or email:, in confidence any time of day or night. It is important for any organisation working regularly with children and young people to have a clear child protection procedure to follow if a child discloses abuse but it may not always feel that simple. The Helpline's advisors understand that staff or volunteers want to be sure they are acting in the best interests of the child and that it is not always easy to assess a child safeguarding issue. The Helpline's trained child protection advisors can provide advice about the situation and talk you through the steps you need to take to safeguard the child's welfare. Over the next three years the charity plans to grow the Helpline and its ChildLine service through the Child's Voice Appeal, so that it can protect more children.
AccessNI ID Validation Form 2024-25.pdf
CAYC Complaint Form .pdf
CAYC Disputes and Disciplinary Procedures.pdf
CAYC Equality Diversity and Inclusivity Policy.pdf
CAYC Safeguarding Policy_Codes of Conduct v9.3 2024.pdf
Club Guide to Safeguarding 2022 RYANI (2).pdf
- RYA Club and Centre SG PowerPoint Presentation RYANI FINAL.pptx
CAYC_AccessNI policy on secure handling info.pdf
AccessNI Policy Statement on Recruitment of Ex-Offenders - CAYC.pdf

Last updated 21:17 on 4 February 2025